Last month, I had the opportunity to speak with Mitzi of the “What’s She On About?” podcast. WSOA is a biweekly podcast talking about life, pop culture, and one’s infatuation with Idris Elba. Mitzie is also infatuated by travel, so we had a great time dishing about travel, travel tips, and the whole concept behind Two Day Travels.

If you’re a podcast fan, click on the links below to listen via your favorite app and enjoy a fun half-hour back and forth on my favorite subject: traveling!

What's She On About Logo, Podcast

Click on your preferred listening venue below and look for “Bonus Ep – Two Day Travels with Cynthia” (11/29/18):

Here are some of the things we talked about (time code using the iTunes app, but they should all be fairly similar):

00:51  The Concept behind Two Day Travels
03:25  What Kind of Trips You Can Take
05:54  I Stayed at a Hostel… Once
09:46  Why You Should Visit the Äss Bar in Zurich
11:15  How to Research Where to Stay and Eat
13:50  Talk to the Locals for Their Advice in the City
17:40  Getting Hot Chocolate in Luxembourg City
20:10  My Top Tip for Traveling with Someone – Drink!
24:00  Be Loyal and Get Rewarded
32:05  Hear One of My Favorite Travel Songs

If you enjoy the podcast, you can follow Mitzie and the “What’s She’s on About” podcast on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and the website.


About Cynthia Graner

I’m always looking to travel, but don’t always have a lot of time or money, so started exploring ways to take more trips for 2 Days & (mostly) under $200 at a time!

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